Limiting beliefs get in the way of learning. We can all work to overcome these by building a true growth mindset (the belief that we can grow our skills). The most effective way to build a growth mindset is to dig into the research of neuroplasticity and really work to understand how our brain learns.
Dr. Michael Merzenich Neuroscientist at The University of California, San Francisco. Known as “The father of brain plasticity”
Key Points
Limiting Beliefs
“I’m not a math person.” “I could never learn that.” “I could never do that.” We all have these in one way or the other. These limiting beliefs become road blocks of learning – when we don’t believe we can grow, we’re probably not going to take action.
Neuroplasticity is the study of our brain’s capacity to grow and change over time. Research over the last 40 years shows that at any age we can all get better at pretty much any skill. We wrote recently about how our brain is a muscle and how it affects our ability to learn.
The Brain is Like a Muscle
1. It needs struggle to grow
2. It takes time to build a new skill
3. Building a skill requires reps and action
4. We can all get better at pretty much any skill
Science, not Stories
When we understand this science of neuroplasticity we can deflect the stories we hear about the things we can’t learn or can’t do.
Taking Action
When we take action and work to develop a skill, not only do we get better at that specific skill, but we also get better at learning in general.
Quick Links
Dr. Michael Merzenich
How to Build a Growth Mindset
Soft-wired by Michael Merzenich
London Cab Driver Study
The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge