Sleep is one of the most important, yet underrated components of the learning process. We brought in Dr. Marcos Frank – neuroscientist from Washington State University – to explain his research and show how sleep affects neuroplasticity and our capacity to grow.
Key Points
Sleep and neuroplasticity
During sleep plasticity in the brain increases. When we’re deprived of sleep plasticity actually goes down.
Sleep and motor skills
In a study by Matthew Walker they found sleep can create a 20% boost in motor skill performance.
What happens during sleep
A sound profile was created while rats ran through a simple maze. When the rats were asleep this same pattern was playing back at 8x speed.
Quality sleep
Quality sleep is consistent and continuous. Consistency is doing it at the same time each night, it helps us build better sleep habits. Continuous sleep allows us to move through each stage of the sleep cycle. Which helps us get that REM, baby!
Sleep hygeine
Tips for better sleep:
1. Darkness – keep it dark before bed so your body releases melatonin
2. Keep it cool 64-66
3. Don’t stay in your bed if you can’t fall asleep
4. Be aware of the substances that can inhibit sleep and block REM (alcohol and caffeine)
Quick Links
Dr. Marcos Frank
The Cat Study
Sleep and Motor Skills Study
The Rat Study
Dr. Matthew Walker
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
Matthew Walker interview with Dr. Rhonda Patrick